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35 tuổi 1,82 m Nhóm máu A+ Tỵ Hồ Chí Minh
50% phản hồi
Đề xuất: tối đa 40 tuổi trong vòng 500 km ở Hồ Chí Minh.
Trao đổi với bệnh viện (IUI-IVF)đang có người yêu
Đàn ông Tây 34 year old Caucasian (white) male 1.82m tall, 80kg. 2 bachelor degrees with first class honours and a master degree obtained through full scholarship. I have a healthy and vibrant half vietnamese son. My partner is Vietnamese but doesn't not want anymore children. While I can't provide co-parenting I am happy for them to know me.

Note I do not know my bloodtype but an answer was required

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