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43 tuổi Hà Nội
67% phản hồi
Tìm kiếm: trong vòng 300 km ở Hanoi, Hà Nội.
Trao đổi với bệnh viện (IUI-IVF)đang có người yêu
I'm a foreigner, but Vietnamese descendant. 44,

If anyone knows of a clinic/hospital that stores Caucasian donors' samples or how a foreigner can request Caucasian's semen from the clinic/hospital, your reply would be greatly appreciated. My partner is Caucasian and I hope to reflect that in our child. But of course, any healthy baby is a blessing.

I am here for a short time and have encountered some bumps along the way in regard to the law of reproduction, so any advice would be appreciated.

Cheers, Dee